Professor Dexter Da Silva interviews Professor Frank S. Ravitch on constitutional reform in Japan and the controversy surrounding the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo. Prof. Ravitch presented his research on the subject at The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences.
About Professor Frank S. Ravitch
Frank S. Ravitch is Professor of Law and the Walter H. Stowers Chair in Law and Religion at the Michigan State University College of Law, and Director of the Kyoto, Japan Summer Program. He is the author of several books: Marketing Intelligent Design: Law And The Creationist Agenda (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2011); Masters Of Illusion: The Supreme Court And The Religion Clauses (NYU Press 2007); Law And Religion, A Reader: Cases, Concepts, And Theory, 2nd Ed. (West 2008) (First Ed. 2004); Employment Discrimination Law (Prentice Hall 2005) (with Pamela Sumners and Janis McDonald); and School Prayer And Discrimination: The Civil Rights Of Religious Minorities And Dissenters (Northeastern University Press, 1999 & paperback edition 2001). Prof. Ravitch has also published a number of law review articles addressing U.S. and Japanese constitutional law, law & religion, and civil rights law in leading journals. Moreover, he has written a number of amicus briefs addressing constitutional issues to the United States Supreme Court.
In 2001, Prof. Ravitch was named a Fulbright Scholar and served on the Faculty of Law at Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan. Currently, he directs the Michigan State University College of Law Japan Summer program. Prof. Ravitch regularly serves as an expert for print and broadcast media, and speaks on topics related to U.S. Constitutional Law, Japanese Law, and Israeli Law to a wide range of national, international and local organizations. He speaks English, Japanese, and Hebrew.
Prof. Ravitch was a Featured Presenter at The Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy 2015 in Osaka, Japan, where he presented on Japanese constitutional revision.
Photography by Thaddeus Pope, IAFOR Media.